Mangia! Flipboard Magazines for People Who Love Italian Food

MagMaker / February 25, 2014


Even if you weren’t born in Italy, you may be the kind of person who becomes Italian at mealtime.

Italian chefs spent hundreds of years perfecting a regional food tradition that uses fresh ingredients to create hearty, satisfying dishes. Today, that cuisine has adapted itself to kitchens all over the world. From Tuscany to Tokyo to Tulsa, the simplicity and accessibility of Italian-style cooking has allowed it to thrive. It’s also popular on Flipboard — thanks to MagMakers who have created magazines dedicated to Italian cuisine.  Here are a few that made us hungry:

Memorie di Angelina by Frank Fariello is a thoughtful guide to Italian cuisine that combines proven recipes with useful guidance on ingredients and technique:



Italian by Tom Tobin is a regularly updated collection of both classic and contemporary Italian food recipes:



Pasta, Pasta by Helly isn’t explicitly focused on Italy, but it’s a gold mine for Italian-inspired pasta recipes:
