The Week in Review: Looking Forward to Super Sunday

Inside Flipboard / January 31, 2014

Now that the San Francisco 49ers will not be in Super Bowl XLVIII, the question is, will anyone bother to watch the championship game on Sunday. Kidding! We’re kidding! Of course you’ll want to watch the Denver Broncos take on the other team in what promises to be a fun afternoon for the whole family. And even if it’s not, there are always the commercials, right? And your brother-in-law’s “famous” moose chile?

Secretly, of course, we’re glad we aren’t freezing our tails off in the Meadowlands. That’s because here on Flipboard, it’s positively raining Super Bowl coverage. We seen a zillion fan mags (some of our favorites are listed below) and have even put together our own compendium of the best Super Bowl articles, videos and photo galleries, all in one ready-to-flip magazine. We’ve also mixed in a healthy blend of Twitter and Instagram posts as well as some of our favorite recipes. And if that weren’t enough, we’ve even compiled a flippable collection of commercials that aired during the Blessed Event, so you can pretend you saw them, even though you were in your bedroom jamming needles into your Seahawk kewpie doll. Go team.

Super Bowl XLVIII by the Flipboard Newsdesk: Recipes, ads and game analysis, it’s a magazine that covers everything from the prep and pageantry to the actual game. We’ll try to update it quarter by quarter, too.

The Super Bowl of Ads by Flipboard Features: The real Super Bowl attraction—the commercials—are all here, ready to flip, Check out what brands are doing with those $4 million, 30-second time slots.

And below are some of the best magazines our users have created on Flipboard:

Super Bowl: NFL Moments by Beki Winchel: Here’s a nifty co-curated magazine focusing on the signal events that led to the Super Bowl, from Peyton Manning’s playbook to adorable puppy commercials. Check here for comprehensive coverage of the Greatest Game Ever Played (in New Jersey).

Super Bowl Game-time Eats by Mary Lou Relle: It’s a fact that part of the Super Bowl experience is eating as many buffalo wings as you can before halftime, so that if you’re not crying from the joy of your team’s victory (or the sadness of defeat), you’re tearing up in pain and wallowing in regret as you loosen your belt buckle for the second time in the third quarter. Tap here for the best in Super Bowl savories.

Super Bowl Party by Victor Moruzzi: Are you hosting a party this year for your loud friends that you only kind of like (the TV screamers, the too-small-lucky-team-T-shirt-from-1983-wearers, the tortilla-chip-crumb leavers)? This mag’s for you.

Seattle Seahawks by Osprey: Look here to unleash obscure Seahawks stats on your family and friends.

Denver Broncos by Elayne Casados:: And here’s a quality Broncos magazine to rebut those loud ‘hawks fans.

Have a favorite magazine? Let us know by sending an email to
