Meet the Newest Model for 2012: Motor Trend on Flipboard
Inside Flipboard / February 17, 2012

If it has wheels and an engine, Motor Trend has it covered. From production cars, trucks, and motorcycles, to classic cars, hot rods, and custom-built concept vehicles, Motor Trend provides the breaking news, informative road tests, and in-depth features that enthusiasts crave.
Today, we’re pulling back the curtain to reveal our newest model for 2012: Motor Trend on Flipboard. It’s got all the options and extras, including comprehensive reporting, beautiful photographs, and tire-screeching videos. Under the hood, it’s powered by Flipboard’s high-perfomance layouts and a team of Motor Trend journalists who know the industry inside and out. So fasten your seat belt and take Motor Trend for a test drive on Flipboard.