Hello! It’s Mr. Moviefone on Flipboard

Inside Flipboard / November 7, 2013


Back in the day, before you could purchase movie tickets or search for listings online, there was one familiar voice that always had you covered: “Hello, and welcome to Moviefone.”

The film-listing phone service was voiced by movie critic and co-founder Russ Leatherman and launched in 1989 in just a few cities. Today it reaches more than 12 million people and makes an entire generation nostalgic for the Zack Morris phone, great music and intentionally over-sized fashion trends. Purchased by AOL more than a decade ago, the phone service migrated online, where it now offers listings, reviews, news and previews of all that’s happening on the silver screen.

Starting today, instead of pressing “1” on your touchtone phone, you can find Mr. Moviefone on Flipboard, where the website’s news and articles have been paginated and designed for easier viewing.

Tap the badge below to open Moviefone on Flipboard.
Click here to read Moviefone on Flipboard.
